Monday, July 2, 2012

Horror Movies: Advantages for Children

Generally parents do not wish their children experience nightmares however it is also not advisable to shelter children too much. When children are still under 7, perhaps it is not really advisable for them to be exposed to horror movies as they cannot distinguish what is real and what is not. It is good to consider implications but it would also be good to let children watch films with just about appropriate scariness.  Check out some scary movie trailers.

The scary movie must incorporate humor and the ending must be a happy one. Sometimes it is even good to let children watch a scary movie without the presence of any adult. There is a possibility that the presence of parents may reinforce fear which is not good as it could have a more frightening effect that is already beyond the level of appropriateness for a child. Remember that people can be scared with different things. An occasional treat of thriller may not be that bad at all for a kid.

Handling of fear - Movies that are scary are a good way for children to deal with fear. The movie may seem really real but it is just a movie. Occasional exposure to films like these can help children to confront fear and dealing with them.

Exciting - Kids enjoy to be a little scares that is why some would enjoy watching spooky films to experience thrill. It is a lot of fun when watched with groups wherein they can shriek, giggle and make fun with others. Eventually kids will grow up and will begin to seek for more thrilling movies to watch.

Make believe versus reality - Being able to watch occasional horror themed films will teach children to know what is just make believe and what is really true. When they deal with fear while watching the movie, they will step back and reassess what they are watching and that is they are just viewing a film.

Encourages critical thinking - The moment the kids are able to put the movie into context, they will start analyzing the events in the film, thus becoming critical thinkers. They will be critical as to which scenes makes them scared the most and which does not.

Fun activity - Watching horror movies once in a while is a fun activity for the whole family or your kid's friends. It will be something that is out of the ordinary for them, which can be good. When it is Halloween, who would not love to watch the latest horror movies?

Cuddle time - Parents may want to spend cuddle time with their growing children. When you are viewing scary movies with kids, the tendency is they hug you in scenes which they find scary.

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